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PLEASE NOTE: This product is only available with bulk bag(s) orders in Limerick, Kerry, and North Cork. 

Bulk Bag Cover


    Some customers highlighted to us that lack of storage is a key reason for not ordering 2 or more bags at a time, so we have designed and tested covers for our bulk bags which will allow you store your firewood outdoors without it getting wet. The covers have worked very well now for the last few years since being launched in 2022.

    They cost €5 each and will allow customers short on storage space to order more than one bag at a time, thus reducing the cost by €13.50 (moving from ordering 1 bag to 2 bags per delivery) to €20 per bag (moving from ordering 1 bag to 4 bags per delivery (Limerick City example). They will keep your firewood completely dry no matter the weather!

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